I am sorry for my English very rudimentary. I hope that everyone can understand the concepts contained in these pages. I translated it as best I could. Thank you.
I feel obliged, with great regret, to
discontinue the creation of this remake.
It 'a job too big for my limited resources of time, to be
completed alone.
Add a link with the source of the video game, created using the C library
allegro.h, which I have written many manuals and tutorials.
Good work!
The return of an old myth ...
Hardware requirements:
OS: win9x
Graphics card: DirectX 8 or higher compatible with 16Mb of video memory
CPU: AMD Sempron 2800 + or higher compatible
Ram: 64 Mb
Version alpha 0.13
-Submitted electrocardiogram monitor more vital energy level
-After the dragon-Region
-Turn-bomb collisions, explosions and reduced vitality
-This image of death-most character animation skeleton transformation
-Key 'M' activates the end of the game with the reset of the vital energy
-Taste 'N' simulates a collision with an enemy and gradually reduces the energy
of life
Version alpha 0.12
- Improved the sky with the addition of transparency in the clouds
- Further optimized the code and graphics to increase the speed of play
Version alpha 0.11
Alpha version 0.1
- Added another six levels parallelattici with the clouds of the bottom
- Fixed bug on opening door shaft rotation for the animation of the protagonist
- By pressing the 'b' is saved to a bitmap screen shot of the game in progress
Alpha version 0.09
- Added sky with shades of color gradient
- Added transparents moons on the sky
- Added mountains with three levels of parallelism
Alpha version 0.08
- Added a castle at end level
- Possibility of opening the castle door
- Added animated torch with flame (without interaction)
Version alpha 0.07
- Entered the start position, the tree with the door of the level underground (not present)
- Added heaps of stones that break (no potions)
- Added well water departure (without interior)
Version alpha 0.06
- Included routine rotation back when opening the door for start on the level.
- Added stone statue animated at fine level.
Version alpha 0.05
- Added tree with a door to the underground passage to the level (not present)
- Activation door (no animation rotation and back)
18/09/2008 Version alpha 0.04 - Added elements of the forest with layers of scroll -
Version alpha 0.03
- Fixed a bug from the right side of the protagonist in the punch down
Added routine scroll infinite levels on the ground
Version alpha 0.02
- Sprite of the protagonist magnified by 20%
- Testa del protagonista maggiorata del 20% rispetto al resto del corpo
Head of the protagonist increased by 20% compared to the rest of the body-
Fixed the backwards rotation of the protagonist in the game as the original
Version alpha 0.01
- Realization animation of the main sprite
Keyboard: 'cursor buttons' and' space '. 'Esc' to exit.
Hardware requirements:
OS: win9x
Graphics card: DirectX 8 or higher compatible with 16Mb of video memory
CPU: AMD Sempron 2800 + or higher compatible
Ram: 64 Mb
Dott. Bartolomeo Davide Bertinetto